City Kids Services the Parks!
City Kids set out this week to learn how to help preserve our parks by keeping them healthy. They had a lesson with with a local ranger who taught them about the invasive species, periwinkle. This plant is not native to the United States, and where it grows, it takes over and impacts the health of the native plant life. Our kids had a lesson in how to safely and effectively remove periwinkle, which seems like an impossible job when you see how much of it there is! We also learned that some local neighbors to the park have taken it upon themselves to clear the park of periwinkle, and they have made some headway, in a small area. If we all participated in taking care of our environment, the task would not be as daunting or as impossible.
Everyone can participate in helping to preserve our beautiful parks by contacting their local rangers and offering to volunteer. And our rangers need our help more than ever. Many ranger stations are understaffed, and they can't take care of our parks on their own. If you are able, give them a call and ask how you can volunteer; you will get to help our parks, exercise, and spend time in the beautiful outdoors!